Internet Computer Fellowship

San Francisco · Boston · London

The Internet Computer Fellowship is a 12 month program designed to build a network of computer science educators and advocates, giving them the opportunity to support local ecosystems of educators through knowledge sharing, lesson creation, and community organizing.

The Fellowship program is ideal for educators, graduate students, college-level teaching assistants (TAs) and computer science education advocates interested in gaining practical experience working with emerging technologies and next-generation software development environments.

What to Expect

The Internet Computer Fellowship is 12 months in length. It begins June 2021 and runs through end of May 2022. Fellows must be able to attend a two week training session in-person in Palo Alto, California from June 14 - 18, 2021 [travel and expenses will be covered] before starting the program in their originating location.

Training Dates

June 13, 2021

June 17, 2021


Develop content

50% of your time

Following the two week training session in Palo Alto, California you’ll spend approximately 50% of your time developing individual Internet Computer lessons and toolkits for educators and university student organizations.

Throughout the Fellowship Program, you will have opportunities to develop Internet Computer lesson plans individually, as well as alongside Fellows in your cohort, and educators at local high schools and universities.

Lead the discussion

15% of your time

Whether through editorial submissions or by hosting physical events for educators within your local community, you will spend approximately 15% of your time leading discussions related to the Internet Computer and new breed of open internet services.

Collaborate with Schools

30% of your time

Using the lesson plans, toolkits, and assets created by you and your peers, you will spend approximately 30% of your time collaborating with local high schools and university student groups.

Community Outreach

5% of your time

Identifying and connecting with the educators at local high schools and university programs that focus on emerging technology will take up approximately 5% of your time.

Gain valuable experience

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    Advanced Distributed Systems

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    Modern Cryptography

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    Edge Computing Architecture

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    The Internet Computer

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    Motoko Programming Language

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    Open Internet Services

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    Pan Industry Platforms

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    Smart Contracts

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    DeFi Systems

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    Community Organizing

Ready to master the internet computer?